
Ofsted (Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills) inspect schools, usually giving about two days' notice. Schools are required to notify parents of the inspection and parents can ask to speak to the inspectors if they wish.

At the end of the inspection they report on the school's overall effectiveness, achievements and standards. The report is issued within two weeks. The governing body must send a copy of the report to all parents and carers of pupils at the school within five working days of receiving it, please click here to view our current full report. Please ask at school reception if you would like a printed copy. In December 2020 Ofsted inspectors attended the school to undertake a monitoring visit the summary of which can be found here.

To see the detail of our current Ofsted report on the Ofsted website, please use this link

Or you can download the attached document (pdf) at the bottom of this page.

To view our schools performance statistics please click here

Sevenoaks Primary School Ofsted Report.pdf - April 2023

Sevenoaks Primary School Ofsted Monitoring Visit - December 2020