
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs K Randall

Deputy Head teacher

 Assistant Designated Safeguarding Leads

Mrs C Malone

Head teacher

Miss J Durkin
Deputy Head teacher

Mrs R Bye


 Mrs S Thompson

SEN Admin



Ms S Thomas

Safeguarding Governor


“Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm. It includes a
wide range of issues relating to pupil’s welfare, health and safety.”

(Briefing for Section5 Inspectors on Safeguarding Children, Ofsted April 2015)

Keeping all children safe:

Sevenoaks Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children, and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Our culture of ‘it could happen here’ enables us to be alert to changes and concerns. We recognise, record, report and refer.

Working in partnership:

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies (such as Social Services, Early Help or NHS representatives), when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our children are discussed with their parents or carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare.

At Sevenoaks Primary School we actively support the Government’s Prevent Agenda to counter radicalism and extremism.

Policy and procedure:

We are aware that child protection, safeguarding and wellbeing are fundamental to the welfare of all of the children in our care. Therefore, our relational and safeguarding child protection policies should be read in conjunction with each other. All policies will be reviewed on an annual basis by the Governing Body which has responsibility for oversight of school safeguarding and child protection systems.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead and Head Teacher ensure regular reporting on our safeguarding activity and systems in school to the Governing Body. We ensure that the Governing Body do not receive details of individual pupil situations or identifying features of families as part of their oversight responsibility.

As a community we all look out for each other, if you feel you have a concern you would like to share with our Safeguarding Team click the report Safeguarding concern below.

Report Safeguarding Concern

Please complete all fields marked (*)


You can choose to remain anonymous but it may help us if we are able to contact you to clarify or follow up your report.


Links to Safeguarding policies, documents and guidance  

Keeping Children Safe in Education

Working together to safeguard children

Prevent Duty

Parents Protect - Recognise and respond to age appropriate behaviours in children

Whistleblowing, Online Safety and AUP policies can be found in our policy library.

Useful links and resources

What to do if you suspect child abuse | NSPCC

Talking about difficult topics NSPCC

Talk PANTS - simple conversations to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse NSPCC

How to get help - CEOP

CEOP Education –  Ask the awkward